
20 Things That Might Happen When Siblings Move Far Away

20 Things That Might Happen When Siblings Move Far Away

As annoying as they may be, you have to admit that staying away from your siblings makes you realize their worth. Take a look at people who are the ‘only kids’ and see how blessed you are to have someone that might be obnoxious as hell, but at the end of the day, they are the same DNA, and no matter how much you try to deny it, you’d do anything for this life-long best friend without them having to say.

1. You Become Responsible For All The Affairs At Home


2. You Keep Tabs On Each Others Lives With Or Without Consent


3. You Brief Each Other About The Insignificant Little Details As If There Is No Distance Between The 2 Of You

4. You Miss Them Bailing You Out Of Lectures By Diverting Your Parent’s Attention



5. Birthdays Without Them? No Thanks.


6. When They Are Un-Well, You Are Un-Well


7. You Miss Being Happy For Their Achievements With Them


8. No One Steals Food That You Hid Anymore



9. Family Re-Unions

What They Used To Be Like



What They Are Like Now


10. You Can’t Share Their Clothes Anymore


11. Finding Free Time Between Busy Schedules And Time Difference To Skype/ Facetime


12. When They Visit, You Get Jealous Of The Attention They Get, But You Don’t Want Them To Leave

#Just Middle Child Things


13. You Have No One To Text In The Next Room To Bring You Stuff


14. They Bring You Exactly What You Want To Make Up For Being Away From You



15. You Miss Them, And You Both Know It

All You Need Is A Hug



16. You Miss Hanging Out With Them In General Doing All Sorts Of Random ‘Nothing.’





Even The Fighting



17. You Miss Them Calling You Out On Your Bullshit And Giving You Reality Checks


18. You Miss Taking Up Pangey With Anyone Because You Knew They Always Had Your Back


Because No One Could Beat You As A Team


19. When They Have To Go Back


20. When You Used To Break Down Before, They’d Cheer You Up – Somethings Never Change Despite The Distance



No matter how annoying they may be at the time, once they go away from you, you die a little on the inside and end up missing them though you never thought it was possible. Put your ego aside and tell them you miss them!     Learn More

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Tips For Moving To Boston This Spring

Springtime in Boston might be the best time of the year. As the temperatures rise, you can expect to see the city come out of its cold winter thaw; sailboats soaking up the sun on the Charles, Landsdowne Street coming alive when our World Champion Boston Red Sox are in town, patio decks Read […]



Turns out that our futon isn’t all that comfortable…

We spent our Thanksgiving moving heavy furniture up and down our stairs. We had planned on using our futon when we moved and getting rid of the dual recliner La-Z-Boy loveseat that we have been using. The futon is much lighter than the loveseat and would have been much easier to move. We decided that […]



What is the standard move package?

  One of the more pleasant ways of moving an entire household is with the assistance of a professional moving company. When hiring a moving company to help you with your next big move, it is beneficial to know in advance what you should be able to expect from them. Before signing a binding contract, you should be well informed as to the total amount you will be charged and the services that will be rendered throughout the move. Keep in mind that most companies offer the same essential benefits. It’s the extra services that a moving company provides that can make the experience more enjoyable for you.

Professional, Respectful, and Courteous Movers

As part of your experience with a moving company, you will have professional movers who take care of loading your furniture and boxes into a moving truck and unloading it at your new home. Depending on the services you select, the movers may even pack everything for you. With the responsibility of handling your personal belongings, moving companies are careful to hire movers who will treat you and your possessions with the utmost respect and care. They will be able to make sure everything is loaded onto the truck correctly and that the contents will arrive and be unloaded safely. Choosing a reputable moving company is vital since these movers will be in such intimate contact with your belongings.
Moving Truck, Equipment, and Transportation Expenses

Part of hiring a moving company has a truck to haul your possessions in a safe manner to your new home. Professional moving companies make sure their trucks are in top shape, and the movers are proficient in making the most of every bit of space available to get all of your belongings into the truck. Blankets, dollies, and essential moving equipment are all included as well as transportation expenses like gas, mileage, tolls, and similar fees.
Be sure to work with a moving company that has a current Certificate of Insurance (COI). If you live in a building that requires you to hire moving companies that have a COI, the company should be happy to send that to the building management in a timely fashion. It is also very reassuring to work with a company that will insure your items since they are in the care of the movers. This may be an option limited to the full-service option when the movers pack everything for you. Either way, ask the moving company if your items will be insured.
Protective Packing Materials for Your Items

The moving company will provide packing materials to help keep your belongings safe and intact during the move. Included items consist of blankets, cushions, and anything else that will make sure your antique mirror from your great-great aunt doesn’t get shattered in the move. The materials will also protect the corners and surfaces of your furniture to keep them clean and safe.
Additional Services
Depending on the Professional moving company you choose, some additional services may be available. Ask the moving company if they offer:
Packing and unpacking your belongings

Special crating and packaging for fragile items

Dismantling and installation of electronics and certain items

Providing consultation in your home

Additional pick-ups or drop-offs as needed

Extra insurance options

Box delivery

Knowing what to expect from a moving company can help you to find a company that will provide the best experience for you. Enjoy the stress relief of having a moving company assist you with your move!


15 Dorm Room Essentials That They Missed On The ‘Move In List’


Deluxe Pop Open Hamper

It was almost two years ago when I arrived at my freshman dorm only to be horrified by how old it was (60s people, it hadn’t been renovated since the 60s.) I soon found out there was no air conditioning, same-sex halls, and how small the rooms were. Not to mention I did a random roommate, and once I got to our room, I was only given about 1/3 of the already tiny space for my belongings: I knew I had a problem.

I, like other girls, hoped my room would be big, to become besties with my roomies and live in a mixed hall next door to my future boyfriend. But man, was I wrong.

One thing I did learn was how much you’re not told about your dorm rooms, and the key to the game is making as much space as possible out of what little you have. I was not a library person freshman year, so I slept and studied in my room, and I needed space to get up and walk around a bit to clear my head. So I’ve compiled a list of 15 things freshmen need in their room to survive their first year living in a dorm.

7 Inch Power Bed Riser

7 Inch Power Bed Riser

Bed risers What’s the name of the game? Have as much space as possible! Don’t freak out if you get to your dorm and see how low the beds are. The best purchase you can make is bed risers, that way, you’ll have space for under-the-bed storage. Oh, these bed risers have outlets which you will definitely need in your room. Can’t get enough of those power outlets for all of your electronics! 7-Inch Power Bed Riser

My Little Steamer Go Mini Hand Steamer

My Little Steamer Go Mini Hand Steamer

Steamer, You have no idea how wrinkly your clothes get in college. I mean, it’s not like those washers and dryers are state-of-the-art, know what I’m saying? Also, people get very lazy in college and don’t feel the need to fold their clothes, which usually end up in the back of a drawer wrinkled to the max. A steamer is a fantastic tool to have, but a portable steamer will change your life. (Mine has made it to and from multiple sorority formals!) You won’t look like a bum when hitting the bars/frats like most girls will. My Little Steamer Go Mini Hand Steamer($19.99)

Mesh Clip On Shelf

Mesh Clip On Shelf

Clip-on shelf You may be on a top bunk, and your bed might not even be near a table, but you do need something to put your phone/water/chapstick on when you sleep. Trust me when I say you don’t want to sleep with your phone on that tiny bed, it does fall off, and your iPhone screen will break (true story.) Purchase one of these, and your life will be complete, and your iPhone will be safe. Mesh Clip-On Shelf ($12.99)

Red Cup String Lights

Red Cup String Lights

String lights If you want an awesome room, you need to decorate it. I swear my room looked like a jail cell when I first got there, but I made a point to deck my room out with pictures and decorations. One thing girls love to do is hang lights around their rooms, so why not one-up them with something so college, like red Solo cups? You’re bound to get a ton of compliments on them. Red Cup String Lights ($20)

Double Hang Commercial Grade Closet Rod

Double Hang Commercial Grade Closet Rod

Extra closet rod I’m telling you right now: your closet will not have enough space in it. And like I said before, everything gets wrinkled, so you might as well hang up what you can. Getting this extra bar space for your closet will not only give you more room for your clothes but organize them by tops/dresses on the top and skirts/shorts on the bottom. You can even hang your heels over them. Double Hang Commercial Grade Closet Rod ($14.99)

Compact Clothes Drying Rack

Compact Clothes Drying Rack

Drying rack After using the dryers once, you’ll realize you won’t want to use them again, especially with your delicates and undies. A drying rack will be your best friend, plus this one folds up and can be put away under your bed or in your closet. Drying Rack ($19.99)

Brita Water Filtration Pitcher

Brita Water Filtration Pitcher

Brita pitcher, Drink your water now because once you get to college, it’s all water fountains, tap water, or expensive water bottles you need to buy every day. That’s why you’ll definitely want a Brita water filtration pitcher in your mini fridge. Fresh water for days! Brita Water Filtration Pitcher ($24.99)

Illuminated LED Mirror

Illuminated LED Mirror

Mirror When I got to my dorm room, there were no mirrors. None. I had completely forgotten how important mirrors are/why didn’t they tell us we needed one on the move-in guide? Thank you, Bed Bath & Beyond, for saving the day. I suggest getting two mirrors: one long one so you can look at your entire outfit and then a small one just for makeup. Oh, and for the small one, definitely get one that has lighting around it. Dorm rooms are not the brightest. Illuminated LED Mirror ($19.99)

Skinny Can Waste Basket

Skinny Can Waste Basket

Plastic trash can Thank my mom for this one: do NOT get a wire trash can. Just think of those nights Wendouree taking one too many shots with that cute frat guy, and you come home and puke in your garbage can. A plastic wastebasket is easy to clean, a wire one not so much. Skinny Can Waste Basket ($6.99)

Easy Fold Step Stool

Easy Fold Step Stool

Step stool If you’re short like me, this step stool will do you wonders. It’s easy to use when you need to reach for high-up items in your closet or shelves, and if your bed is tall, it can be used to get in and out of it. This step stool folds up so you can put it away when you don’t need it. Yay, everyone wins! Easy Fold Step Stool($12.99)

Under The Bed Shoe Organizer

Under The Bed Shoe Organizer

Shoe organizer The last thing on your mind when moving into a dorm will be your shoes, but I promise they will be your biggest problem. If you don’t have a way to keep your shoes in order, you’ll probably have a treasure hunt around your room to find one shoe. This organizer will save your life and won’t take up any room since it’ll be under your bed. Under the Bed Shoe Organizer ($16.99)

Vornado Air Circulator

Vornado Air Circulator

Fan If you’re going to a college where you have seasons, I guarantee some of the dorms won’t have air conditioning. Mine, unfortunately, didn’t. And during the hot Indiana summer, I survived off of the two fans that I bought. I would definitely find out if you have air conditioning ASAP because if not, you’ll want fans. Vornado Tower Air Circulator ($79.99)

Jessica Simpson Shower Wrap

Jessica Simpson Shower Wrap

Robe, Chances are your bathroom won’t be in your room, which means you’ll have to walk down the hall to shower. At first, I thought a robe was a silly idea, but I soon regretted not getting one once I had to start walking up and down the hall in a towel. You’ll want a robe. Shower Wrap ($12.99)



Keurig Okay, I know Keurigs are usually banned from dorms, but honestly, when do the RAs come searching for a coffee machine that practically saves your life? If you’re a coffee person, you know how expensive it can get if you keep buying Skinny Vanilla Lattes from Starbucks every morning (guilty.) For you non-coffee lovers, you will come to love the power of caffeine (guilty as well.) Buying a Keurig will save you money and keep you caffeinated during those long hours of studying. Plus, they come in cute colors that will match your room color scheme! Mini Keurig Plus Brewing System ($99.99)

Deluxe Pop Open Hamper

Deluxe Pop Open Hamper

Hamper If you’re lucky, your laundry room will be down the hall from you. But that’s very rare, so be prepared to carry (more like drag) your laundry down the stairs to the basement where it will be. I first tried using the backpack laundry bag…turns out it can’t handle a lot of laundries because it broke easily. I suggest getting a pop-up bag: durable and easy to drag. Deluxe Pop Open Hamper ($14.99)

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This one is going to be a long one. Not long in words but with big long picture lists, so I apologize if the page takes a while to load. I was going to cover everything in a few separate posts but figured it would be tedious for you to have to flip to different posts to find everything that is pertaining to this topic.

After I finally figured out my capsule wardrobe for spring/summer (through that long, tedious process), I began to wonder how well it would translate into packing for trips. I am not huge, get super-fancy dressed up the type of person, and my wardrobe reflects that. I wanted to be able to come up with a packing list that gives me easy day options and tonight options. Or as I like to think of it, day/casual with the ability to dress it up and take it tonight time if the need arises. I chose a 10-day list because 7 seemed too short to test my wardrobe’s versatility, but 10 seemed to be long enough to come up with 10 different day outfits that could easily be changed tonight by swapping shoes and/or accessories, a purse, and a fancier hair-do.

This ten-day packing list that I came up with basically gives you 20 outfits with the ability to make more if needed, and it is all completed with 20 pieces in the carry-on plus what you wear on the plane. I planned it out, so the bulkier, heavier items are to be worn on the plane to make sure it all fits in the carry-on. The plane outfit consists of jeans, a tank, a pullover, a jacket, a hat, a necklace, boots, a watch, sunglasses, and a purse. In the carry-on are 4 tops, a cardigan, blazer, 2 dresses, 2 pairs of pants, a scarf, 3 necklaces, a hat, a dressier purse, and 4 pairs of shoes. Make sure to have at least one pair of dressy shoes for night wear, and if you decide to pack a hat, make sure that it is one that will survive being placed in a suitcase. I learned the hard way that straw hats do not pack well.

Ugh. I was having some major issues with my paths on Photoshop. They weren’t transferring through in jpg format, so I had to go back in and try to get them in there. One ended up with thick lines and one with thin, somewhat broken ones. This is why I need a Photoshop course. Big Time. Oh well, I am learning as I go, I guess, and they turned out somewhat okay.

Links to all the items (or similar since they come out of my closet) are listed below the lists.

                         From Day

Packing List Day Outfits

                         To NightPacking List Night Outfits

                The Packing ListPacking List

You will also need at least 2 sets of pajamas, underwear, bras, socks, and whatever other underthings you need to have with you.

Pullover | Black Tank | Jacket | Dark Denim | Hat 1 | Boots | Necklace 1 | Watch | Purse

Grey Tank | White Tee | Baseball Tee | Blouse | Oversized Cardigan

Blazer | Black Dress | Maxi | Distressed Denim | Leather Pants (faux)

Scarf (similar) | Necklace 2 (similar) | Necklace 3 (similar) | Necklace 4 | Hat 2 | Dressy Purse

Sandals | Booties | Converse | Flats

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14 Reasons to Love Fort Worth That Aren’t Related to Dallas

By Kacie Hughes,

With over 6 million residents, Dallas-Fort Worth is a buzzing place with plenty of possibilities. DFW is constantly viewed as one vast area, but it’s important to know that Dallas and Fort Worth are two separate cities with two separate histories. Fort Worth can often be overlooked in Dallas’ shadow, but Panther City is full of things to do and places to live. Fort Worth may have started as a Cow Town in the mid-19th century, but it has quickly grown into a bustling city filled with job opportunities, state-of-the-art museums, and a thriving downtown area.

Here are 14 reasons why Fort Worth is an awesome city to both live in and put on your list of places to see!



Step back in time and visit the Fort Worth Stockyards for an authentic look into the American West. You can visit the Western artifacts at the Stockyards Museum, explore Bonnie and Clyde’s hideout at the historic Stockyards Hotel, and drink at a traditional Texas saloon. Channel your inner cowboy and attend a rodeo at the weekly Stockyards Championship Rodeo. With so much to do, don’t forget about the Fort Worth Herd, the world’s only twice-daily cattle drive at 11:30 a.m and 4 p.m.


Billy Bob's

You can’t go to Fort Worth without two-stepping the night away at Billy Bob’s, located within the Stockyards. Billy Bob’s prides itself on being the world’s largest honky tonk with a 127,000 square feet dance hall, outfitted with over 30 bar stations and the capacity to hold up to 6,000 people. Grab a partner and take line-dancing or two-step dance lessons! Attend a live concert every weekend and see music legends like Willie Nelson or Trace Adkins. Cheer on your favorite rider at the live indoor bull riding every Friday and Saturday night and watch professionals get bucked by one of the 47,500 bulls that have entered Billy Bob’s arena. Have a honky tonkin’ good time at Billy Bob’s!


US Bureau

Did you know that 60 percent of America’s money is printed in Fort Worth? Aside from Washington D.C., Fort Worth is the only other place where money can be printed in the United States. Take a free tour of the U.S. Bureau of Engraving and Printing and watch money be printed all around you as you stroll through the building. View artifacts and visit interactive exhibits that give you an informative history of America’s money and how it has evolved since its early stages.



Escape the hustle and bustle of Dallas and retreat to the parks and gardens of Fort Worth. Stop and smell the roses at Fort Worth Botanic Garden or visit the Fort Worth Nature Center and Refuge. At 3,621 acres, the Nature Center is one of the largest city-owned nature centers in the United States. With over 20 miles of hiking trails, you will be transported back to the times of what DFW once looked like, full of forests and prairies.

Fort Worth has plenty to do for water lovers. Backwoods Paddlesports allows you to paddle board, kayak, or canoe at Panther Island, all located in Downtown Fort Worth. Retreat to the water gardens, an architectural marvel designed by Phillip Johnson. Fort Worth even has a cable park for all thrill-seekers and wakeboarders!



The Fort Worth Opera has become internationally known as one of the most innovative companies in the United States. As one of the longest-running operas in the nation, it has played host to numerous big names, including Placido Domingo and Lily Pons. With performances condensed to three weeks in the spring, the company produces multiple operas each weekend during April and May at the Bass Performance Hall. In 2016, the Opera will be performing JFK, The Barber of Seville, and Buried Alive-Embedded.



In 2014, Livability.com ranked Fort Worth’s downtown the best in the nation. Sundance Square, the heart of downtown, is a 35-square-block entertainment district filled with local restaurants, shops, boutiques, and live music halls that everyone can enjoy. Fort Worth’s downtown is one of the safest and cleanest downtowns in the nation, making it easy for you to access the culture of Fort Worth. With a beautiful mix of historic brick and modernized buildings, Sundance Square is the perfect representation of how Fort Worth balances, appreciating the past while reinventing the city’s future.



Fort Worth is home to Texas Christian University and its mascot, the oddly-intimidating horned frog. A college that takes its athletics almost as seriously as its academics, you’ll quickly learn and appreciate all that TCU has to offer. With more than 200 student organizations, 18 D-1 athletic teams, and campus life full of tradition, TCU keeps Fort Worth young thanks to the 10,000 students enrolled each year.


west 7th

You don’t have to travel to Dallas for a thriving nightlife. Stay in Fort Worth and head to West 7th Street to enjoy a night out. With dozens of restaurants and bars to choose from, West 7th Street has infused Fort Worth tradition with a modern twist. Find TCU students and young professionals playing games atLandmark, a bar with vintage arcade games and craft drinks. Looking to cool off? Stop by Whiskey Garden and take a dip in their resort-style pool. Foodies and wine enthusiasts are welcome at MAX’s Wine Dive for an eclectic atmosphere and some unique and delicious food prepared by Fort Worth’s top chef, Stefon Rishel! All walks of life are welcome to walk along West 7th Street.


West 7th FW

You never have to leave West 7th Street, especially if you choose to call it home. Bridging downtown and the Fort Worth Cultural District, West 7th has quickly become one of the most popular places to live in the city. Essentially a modern-day mecca, this five-block area offers high-concept dining, local fashion retailers, unique entertainment venues, open-air gardens, and even an LA Fitness! West 7th makes it easy for you to live, shop, and dine in one convenient location.


Drive-In Theater

In 2013, Coyote Drive-In Theatre had a mission to bring back the drive-in movie experience that younger generations have never been able to enjoy. Located on Panther Island in Downtown Fort Worth, Coyote Drive-In Theatre is the perfect place to come with your friends, family, and pets. Catch a flick in the comfort of your car while enjoying a cold drink and hot popcorn. With new movies being played all of the time, Coyote Drive-In is a unique experience in Fort Worth that you won’t want to miss!



It isn’t called Cow Town for nothing! Considering the city’s role as an important stop for cattle drovers in the United States, it’s no wonder that beef is king in Fort Worth. Skip Dallas and come straight to Cow Town to enjoy a juicy burger or mouth-watering steak. For the best burgers, stop at Kincaid’s, M & O Station Grill, or Rodeo Goat. If you’re seeking a steak, check out Del Frisco’s Double Eagle Steakhouse, Reata, or Bonnell’s.


Museum of Modern Art

You may not have guessed it, but Fort Worth has some of the best art museums in the United States with an array of different masterpieces. Visit artwork from all over the world at the Kimbell Art Museum or view hundreds of authentic American pieces for free at the Amon Carter Museum of American Art. The incredible architecture at the Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth will take your breath away. The Modern holds thousands of international modern and contemporary artworks by Andy Warhol, Jackson Pollock, Mark Rothko, and several more.



Be prepared to rev your engines in Fort Worth! Texas Motor Speedway is the only place in the Lone Star State where fans can catch NASCAR and INDYCAR races on the same track. Nicknamed “The Great American Speedway,” Texas Motor Speedway hosts three major races: the Duck Commander 500 NASCAR in April, Firestone 600 INDY/NASCAR in June, and AAA Texas 500 NASCAR in November. It also features the NASCAR Sprint Cup Series, XFINITY Series, Camping World Truck Series, and Verizon IndyCar Series.


Fort Worth

Fort Worth is consistently recognized as one of the best cities to find a job in the United States. With an unemployment rate of 3 percent and a growing working-age population, it makes sense for Fort Worth to be such a great city to live in! Businesses like American Airlines, Lockheed Martin, and the Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base call Fort Worth home. In 2015, Forbes.com listed Fort Worth as the second-best city for job seekers.

What is your favorite thing about Fort Worth? Tell us in the comments!


If you’re moving to Fort Worth and need Quality Movers at a fair price to help with the transition, view Reliable Movers & More.

All images have either been provided by a listed organization or are licensed under Creative Commons.


Surefire ways to stay close to your family and friends when they or you move far, far away

My best friend recently moved to New York City for college, which is both exciting for her and a little heartbreaking for me. Whereas we used to be able to see each other anytime we wanted to, we now have to do some serious planning for face-time since she’s a five-hour car ride away. While I’m very happy about her exciting new life, I don’t want the amazing connection we share to devolve into a series of Facebook ‘likes’ and brief email exchanges. I want to remain close. as close as ever, but maybe in a new way. The important thing is to keep sharing new experiences together, rather than just rehashing our own separate experiences online or on the phone (we’ll do that, too!). So, I’ve thought of some fun ideas for staying super-tight—ways to keep sharing the love and the moments together, even if we’re far apart.

    Coordinate Netflix obsessions

Pick a show you both haven’t seen and agree to watch each episode once a week at the same time. Then rehash the best moments together over email. This is a good way to connect and remain a part of each other’s lives, even in the most random way. Turn it into a weekly ritual.

            Remember camp care packages? Bring ’em back!

Send them cards and gifts that remind you of your bestie. This can be anything from a box of her candies to the ridiculous vintage teen magazine poster you found on eBay to a sweet postcard that says ‘I miss you.’ Showing somebody that you’re thinking about them—with tangible, non-digital evidence—really goes a long way. It’s difficult living far away from everything and everyone you know and getting snail mail really means a lot.

    Launch an ice cream challenge!

Go out and buy any type of ice cream, along with ingredients. Have a contest to see who can make the quirkiest ice cream sundae. You can even post the photo on Instagram and have people vote for the one they like the most. The best part about this is that you get an ice cream sundae out of the deal.

    Write a story together.

Begin a story, and send it back and forth via Google docs. Each of you writes a paragraph and alerts the other person when you’re done. Once you reach a certain number of pages, print it out and bind it together at a print shop. Make two copies, one for you and one for your friend. You can make this your friendship book. It may sound cheesy, but it’s actually super-creative and special.

    Start a two-person book club.

Pick out a book to read together. Discuss it on a weekly basis, treating it like a long-distance book club. If you want, you can even make yourself finger food during your discussion, so it feels like an actual book club meeting. Find a story that resonates with both of you, and just delve into those pages together.

    Get artsy from a distance.

Draw together. Find a place, and draw what’s in front of you. It doesn’t need to be perfect, but you should have fun with it. Afterward, show each other your masterpieces—via Instagram or text. You can even mail each other your drawings for the other to paint/color in. This could be a fun way to connect and share in an experience.

    Meet halfway for a bestie honeymoon

Find the halfway point between the two of you, and meet up in this random city/town/village for a weird weekend adventure. Find the best local diner, the nearby bowling alley, the random B&B—and treat the weekend like you’re tourists.

While I’m so happy and super excited for my friend for following her bliss, I don’t want to lose touch. I hope a few of these activities (in addition to lots of texts) keep us connected and, at the same time, motivate us to branch out and grow separately. Also, I’m obviously planning a trip to NYC! Here’s to staying close to our loved ones, no matter where the future takes us. Learn More

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33- Gorgeous DIY Projects To Decorate Your Grown Up Apartment

33- Gorgeous DIY Projects To Decorate Your Grown-Up Apartment

Get ~inspired~.

Alice Mongkongllite / BuzzFeed

1. Use fabric medium and acrylic paint to turn a cheap remnant rug into a custom statement piece.

Use fabric medium and acrylic paint to turn a cheap remnant rug into a custom statement piece.

You can usually find remnant rugs at Home Depot or Lowe’s; just ask for what they might have in stock. Learn how to paint the remnant here.

2. Adhere some gold leaf to canvas pillow covers to make statement pillows.

Adhere some gold leaf to canvas pillow covers to make statement pillows.


Here’s the tutorial, although you might want to paint a pre-made cover instead of using fabric glue to make your own.

3. Modernize your childhood dresser (or an antique thrift find) with a fresh coat of paint and new hardware.

Modernize your childhood dresser (or an antique thrift find) with a fresh coat of paint and new hardware.

Here’s how. If you don’t have a convenient flea market, eBay has quite a few good finds. And if you don’t want to buy new drawer pulls, you can spray paint the current ones metallic gold.

4. Paint and frame four doormats for a faux-wood headboard.

Paint and frame four doormats for a faux-wood headboard.

Here are the instructions. While you can’t still buy the exact mats used in the tutorial, you can use any rubber doormats that you like (this one and this one are similar).

5. Or nail salvaged wood together for a minimal but warm headboard.

Or, nail salvaged wood together for a minimal but warm headboard.

This does require some DIY guts, and the tutorial comes in a few parts: one and two and three.

6. OR, dumpster-dive for an old door and paint it a fun color.

OR, dumpster-dive for an old door, and paint it a fun color.

Here’s how they did it. You might consider skipping the door knob, though, so you don’t accidentally slam your head against it when you wake up from a bad dream.

7. Turn a 1×1 cubby into a sleek side table.

Turn a 1x1 cubby into a sleek side table.

This would work in your bedroom or next to your sofa. This tutorial uses an Ikea Expedit shelf, which you can’t buy anymore, but you can find similar shelves elsewhere.

8. Or, screw some hairpin legs to a stained or painted crate.

Or, screw some hairpin legs to a stained or painted crate.

Here’s how. Bonus: you get a little more bookshelf space.

9. ~Orrr~ you can build your own wooden top for your hairpin legs.

~Orrr~ you can build your own wooden top for your hairpin legs.

Find the plans here.

10. Cover a boring mirror with a fabric that you love.

Cover a boring mirror with a fabric that you love.

Jackie Hernandez / tealandlime.com

Here are the instructions, but if you don’t mind the edges of your mirror as-is you can skip the wood veneer step.

11. Warm up your entry way with an Anthropologie-like paper flower garland.

Warm up your entry way with an Anthropologie-like paper flower garland.

It’s an inexpensive way to deal with that big, blank wall. Here’s how you can make it, including the printable flower templates.

12. Cover an ugly planter in pretty rocks for your front steps.

Cover an ugly planter in pretty rocks for your front steps.

So maybe you don’t have a wrap-around porch, but that doesn’t mean what you do have has to be boring. Here’s how to do this.

13. Pick out some tough fabric and sew a slipcover for a utility bucket.

Pick out some tough fabric and sew a slipcover for a utility bucket.

Utility bucket = personal ottoman? Yes. Here’s how to do it.

14. Cover an old pallet with foam, batting, and fabric for a custom living room ottoman.

Cover an old pallet with foam, batting, and fabric for a custom living room ottoman.

Enlist a couple of friends or roommates to help you out with the tufting. Here are the instructions, with photos.

15. Or, if your small apartment can’t fit a giant pallet-sized ottoman, make one out of an old cable spool.

Or, if your small apartment can't fit a giant pallet-sized ottoman, make one out of an old cable spool.

Here’s how. To find a big spool, try calling up a local commercial electrician, who might have one that you can pick up.

16. Add simple legs to an Ikea table top for a midcentury-style coffee table, if you prefer to skip the cushioned ottoman.

Add simple legs to an Ikea table top for a midcentury-style coffee table, if you prefer to skip the cushioned ottoman.

It’s cheap, and you could probably put it together in an afternoon. Here’s how.

17. Mount a cool shower curtain on a basic wood frame for a wall-sized statement.

Mount a cool shower curtain on a basic wood frame for a wall-sized statement.

See how to do it here. The hardware store will usually cut wood to size for you, so all you have to do is nail it together.

18. Glue old picture frames onto wooden boxes for pretty framed shadow shelves.

Glue old picture frames onto wooden boxes for pretty framed shadow shelves.

Try a local flea market for cheap but pretty frames. Here’s how to make them.

19. Glue felt around wooden dowels for a cheap and pretty magazine holder.

Glue felt around wooden dowels for a cheap and pretty magazine holder.

(Some of us still do read magazines!) Here are the directions.

20. Recover and paint ugly cheap chairs for actually pretty guest seating.

Recover and paint ugly cheap chairs for actually pretty guest seating.

Ok so maybe this feels a *little* over the top, but if you’re feeling extra crafty, why not? Here’s how you can make them.

21. Hot glue paint chips to the inside of a poster frame for a dry erase calendar that actually matches your kitchen towels.

Hot glue paint chips to the inside of a poster frame for a dry erase calendar that actually matches your kitchen towels.

To get the pretty background, you’ll also need a neutral fabric. Get more details on how to make this here.

22. Balance a marble tile on a copper pipe frame for a pretty plant stand.

Balance a marble tile on a copper pipe frame for a pretty plant stand.

You can find single marble tiles at most flooring stores, and ask your hardware store to custom cut your copper pipe for you. Here’s the tutorial.

23. Secure an old suitcase to a TV table for a small but stylish bar.

Secure an old suitcase to a TV table for a small but stylish bar.

Here’s how you can do it, even though the tutorial uses empty liquor bottles for some reason.

24. Turn a couple of Ikea pieces into a trendy drink table with some gold spray paint.

Turn a couple of Ikea pieces into a trendy drink table with some gold spray paint.

Here’s the step-by-step. You’ll probably need a couple of tubes of super glue, though.

25. Tie sisal rope onto a painted board to create a simple hanging shelf.

Tie sisal rope onto a painted board to create a simple hanging shelf.

Get the super simple instructions here.

26. Upholster a piece of wood with a pretty blanket (and hairpin legs, again) for a colorful bench.

Upholster a piece of wood with a pretty blanket (and hairpin legs, again) for a colorful bench.

Your puppy will love it, too. Here are the instructions.

27. Turn two bowls and some concrete into a beautiful succulent planter.

Turn two bowls and some concrete into a beautiful succulent planter.

Literally two plastic bowls. It looks hard to make, but it’s not! Here’s how.

28. Or, knot together some pretty mini hangers for your kitchen window.

Or, knot together some pretty mini hangers for your kitchen window.

Here’s the tutorial (illustrated with photos, thankfully), which also includes directions for those pretty ombré pots.

29. Edge a simple round mirror in copper tape.

Edge a simple round mirror in copper tape.

Copper tape is usually used as a “shielding tape” in electronic work. Find out howyou can use it to jazz up an old mirror.

30. Or, adhere copper leaf to a framed mirror that you already own.

Or, adhere copper leaf to a framed mirror that you already own.

Homey Oh My! / homeyohmy.com

Here’s how, and here are some tips on using metallic leaf.

31. Drill holes in the side of a ceramic pot to turn your favorite pot into a hanging garden.

Drill holes in the side of a ceramic pot to turn your favorite pot into a hanging garden.

Be sure to read the directions so you don’t crack the pot, and please wear safety goggles! Here’s the tutorial.

32. Spray paint a plastic or wooden dowel with copper spray paint, then hang air plants on it.

Spray paint a plastic or wooden dowel with copper spray paint, then hang air plants on it.

Gathered Cheer / gatheredcheer.com

If you put this in the bathroom, then you won’t even have to remember to mist the plants with water because they’ll be moistened every time you shower. Here’s how to make it.

33. Marble a vase by floating nail polish in a bowl of water.

Marble a vase by floating nail polish in a bowl of water.

Make it even cheaper by picking out your nail colors from the clearance bin. Here’s the step-by-step.

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Mapping the Hourly Wage Needed to Rent a 2-Bedroom Apartment in Every U.S. State

Mapping the Hourly Wage Needed to Rent a 2-Bedroom Apartment in Every U.S. State

The figures highlight the mismatch between dipping job earnings and soaring housing costs.

Yes, the American economy is improving, and yes, we’re creating more jobs. But the hourly wages for a lot of these jobs are stagnant at best. According to the Pew Research Center, 30 percent of America’s workforce earns a near-minimum-wage salary—that’s almost 21 million people. As a cruel paradox,rents across the country keep rising.

A new report by the National Low Income Housing Coalition examines how these opposite trends play out regionally. The work maps how much an American worker needs to earn per hour in each state to rent a two-bedroom apartment. It finds that in no state can a person earning minimum wage afford such an apartment at market rent.

Governor Kate Brown of Oregon sums up the problem in the report’s preface:

In my home state of Oregon, and in communities across the country, working families searching for affordable rental units find little to nothing in their price range. There simply isn’t enough reasonably priced, decently maintained housing to meet the demand, and rapidly rising rents outpace wages. As a result, one out of four households spends more than half their income on housing costs. People with low or fixed incomes face even bleaker situations.

Rents keep rising because the demand for rentals keeps growing, and that’s partly because fewer people can afford to buy their homes today than they could before the recession. The low supply of rentals has created a situation where people who definitely can’t afford to buy are also priced out of renting.

Here’s how the report explains the impact of scarce affordable housing on low-income renters:

The tightening rental market has the most significant impact on low income renters. Many higher and middle income renters occupy units that are affordable to lower income groups, reducing the supply of affordable and available decent apartments for the lowest income renters. As a result, in 2013, for every 100 extremely low income (ELI) renter households, there were just 31 affordable and available units.

The report’s calculations back up its claim. Currently, an average American needs to earn $19.35 to afford rent on a two-bedroom unit. That’s a few dollars more than the $15.16 average hourly wage earned by the average American renters, and 2.5 times the federal minimum wage. It’s also more than the median hourly wage of the the average American worker, which is $17.09.  For 13 states home to cities with skyrocketing rents—including California, Washington, New York, and Virginia—a person would have to earn well above $20 per hour to afford a two-bedroom place.

Here are some states with the largest gaps between actual average hourly wage, and the average hourly wage required to afford rent for a two-bedroom:

Even a single bedroom apartment isn’t cheap—requiring people to earn $15.50 an hour to rent. Three-quarters of extremely low-income renters (those who earn less than 30 percent of the average median income in an area), for example, pay more than half their salaries toward rent, the report says. For minimum wage renters, $15.50 is around double what they’re earning, which makes renting a one-bedroom out of question.

Expanding the nation’s affordable housing stock is one obvious solution. Raising the minimum wage, and fixing exploitative scheduling policies for part-time and full-time workers, are others. The National Low Income Housing Coalition report calculated that counties in Washington and Oregon, where state minimum wage is above $9, were the only ones where a worker earning that much could afford a one-bedroom apartment rent. For people earning a little more than $7 an hour, making rent for a one-bedroom place would take an average of 85 hours per week; for a two-bedroom, they’d have to work 102 hours per week.

Here is a map showing the hours per week a minimum-wage employee would have to work per week in their state to afford a one-bedroom place:

The figures highlight the mismatch between dipping job earnings and soaring housing costs.      Learn More

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